Signs and Symptoms

The three primary symptoms of Parkinson’s are tremor (or wobbling), stiffness and slowness of movement.

If that wasn’t enough to be getting on with, there are any number of other symptoms of Parkinson’s. Not all of these are bad, however. Losing your sense of smell with daughters like mine is a good thing.

Parkinson’s symptoms are summarised as motor (or movement) symptoms and non-motor symptoms.

Motor symptoms are related to movement, my favourite one is an inability to cut the grass.  Mrs W has to do it.  Some people say that is an excuse or Parkinson’s, not a symptom.  I think they are splitting hairs, while non-motor symptoms include problems such as depression.

Parkinson’s disease is a very individual condition, with each person experiencing  very different symptoms.  Parkinson’s is often called the designer disease because like designer clothes, everyone’s Parkinson’s is different!  The great news, however, is that unlike designer clothes, Parkinson’s disease is free! It just arrives and you don’t get a bill (THIS IS CALLED LOOKING FOR THE SILVER LINING AND IS A VERY IMPORTANT COPING MECHANISM!)

Parkinson’s disease symptoms materialise and progress differently for each person with Parkinson’s disease. Usually the symptoms start on one side of the body.

Symptoms often start on one side of the body and then, over a period of time, go on to affect both sides.

Parkinson’s and Wobbling (Tremor or Shaking)

Tremor is a rhythmical movement that can’t be controlled, often starting in one hand.  Should not be mistaken for tumours (which are much more serious) and tubers (which are jolly tasty)

The Parkinson’s tremor is known as a resting tremor because it materialises when the person with Parkinsons disease is chill-axed and enjoying a giant spliff.  The tremor calms down when the person begins to move.

Getting stressed makes the tremor worse so learn your MONTY.

Parkinson’s and Slowness of Movement

The brain wants to but the body is sluggish.  Slowness of movement or bradykinesia.  The defining feature of Parkinson’s disease.


Parkinson’s and Stiffness

Parkinson’s can prevent muscles from stretching and relaxing. It’s a vsicous circle.

Slowness of movement = less movement = muscles don’t work = stiffness.


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